Pioneering a New Path: Integrated Services is the New ABA
Pioneering a New Path: Integrated Services is the New ABA

In 2022, we blazed a new path forward in our industry introducing a revolutionary way to care for the families seeking autism services for their child.The launch of our Integrated Services Model was an exciting time and we boldly continue to challenge the norms and preconceived notions of what’s considered “the right way”.  With over 15+ years of experience, data and client testimonials – we know that there is a better way. 

We Exist to Calm the Chaos

Most families will never forget the day their child was diagnosed.  Being one of few providers in the DMV offering diagnostic and treatment services, we’ve heard story after story from overwhelmed families that weren’t sure how they’d possibly get all of the services they needed for their child. That’s where Optimal Beginnings and our Integrated Services come in. Soon they discovered peace knowing the entire process was under one roof.  The days of squeezing in one more appointment at one more office with one more provider was over!  

Our Integrated Services model helps to calm the chaos and ease burdens. You have a team of professionals under one roof that can assess, guide, and walk the journey with you. Hear directly from our CEO and founder, Dr. Dana Visalli-Gold about the Integrated Services Model we engineered at Optimal Beginnings here.

How Integrated Services is Different than ABA Therapy

Traditionally, when clients receive ABA therapy, it is in a one-to-one in-home setting. It is child-centered, but it is directed by the adult in the environment. The adult gives the choices, the adult tells the child what activities they’re going to do. Meanwhile, in the real world, children can make those decisions, and in an Integrated Services model, we incorporate all the pieces of their world, session after session.

Our approach mimics an environment that is more like a public setting. We do it in a supported and facilitated way that incorporates sounds, noises, and other kids. We teach them how to communicate with their peers, not just with the adults that are in their environment. We also design our office spaces in a way that allows room for different scenarios and settings.

We put ABA and speech together because they’re complimentary services. Speech teaches the how of communication, ABA teaches the why of communication. How and why put together give your child the best independent communication skills to navigate their environment.

Parent Involvement Matters

At Optimal Beginnings, we know that parent involvement is key to your child’s success. One of the things we do really well is communicate with our parents often- whether it’s troubleshooting a vacation, a holiday, a library trip, or just day-to-day life. We communicate, we talk, we encourage, we support, and we are a resource for all of our families. With over 15 years of experience and proven outcomes, we know that our Integrated Services Model is going to serve our families so much better and we can’t wait to welcome you to the OB family.

Listen to a fellow OB parent who has been in your shoes.  Haimi showed up at Optimal Beginnings with what she described as “a clingy child who didn’t know how to function without her constantly within reach”. Now Noah and his family are experiencing the increased independence we talk about. Learning how to operate independently vs co-dependently takes time, trust and skills.  After customizing his services throughout the years, they now have freedom for their entire family to explore public settings with ease, and are even able to travel again!

Next Steps to start with Optimal Beginnings 

The wait is over!  We have streamlined the process of assessing and providing the services your family needs to improve your child’s independence without sacrificing quality of life.  Start our 5-Step Proven Process today.  

We are ready to welcome YOU! Call us today at (301) 718-1716, or fill in the contact form below.

We have newly renovated spaces at our Vienna, VA office & a brand new office location in Rockville, MD (formerly located in Bethesda) just opened June 2023!  Schedule a tour with us to see all of the updates and improvements.

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